About La Coiffeuse

I'm a 26 year old living in the suburbs of DC. These are my stories about finding Mr. Right in all the wrong places. *cheers*

Monday, April 16, 2012

J'Adore Charlize

Charlize Theron and her fabulous self. I have a client that specifically asks me to style her hair like Charlize Theron after I highlight and cut her hair. I always thought the style was pretty, but it wasn't until I saw the double page spread in a magazine this month that I went absolutely nuts. Oh my goodness, Charlize Theron is stunning! So elegant and classy. Obsessed!

Photo Credit
So I'm not strutting down the runway in a fabulous gown nor do I have a perfect statuesque frame but I do have the tousled chignon down. Oh the "I've been running around town and my chignon still looks amazing" look.

Day Huit
J'Adore Charlize
So in the Dior commercial, Charlize was running around the city
to make it in time for her fashion show.
I was running from my house to my car.
Products Used: Moroccan Oil Luminous Hair Spray
Tools Used: Teasing Comb + Bobby Pins
How-To: On dry hair take 3 in section (eyebrow arch to eyebrow arch)
about 1 inch in width. Leave Down.
Take hair into ponytail, but instead of tying a hair tie around it--
fold hair over to the right.
Using closed bobby pins, secure chignon in place.
It doesn't have to be perfect!
Take 3 inch section and tease until desire height.
(I wouldn't go too high- it begins to look matronly.)
Brush back & finish with Luminous Hair Spray.
I'm going to try my best from now on to take pictures while I'm styling,
to make the instructions easier to follow!
I have a very interesting post lined up for tomorrow about
my favorite tool of all time ...
bobby pins.
Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the post on bobby pins - something I cannot live without! :)

    - Pink
